SMB Roadshow

Become Unbreakable

Manchester, United Kingdom

This location has been Rescheduled

We don’t have the new date yet, that will depend on how Covid-19 goes.
But, you can be sure it won’t be during winter.

Become Unbreakable Agenda

  • Networking 1pm

    Meet up with old colleagues you haven't seen in what feels like a decade and of course, meet some new friends, too​

  • Presentation by Karl W. Palachuk 1:30pm

    Topics include:

  • Extended Q&A 4:30pm

    Bring your questions and touch of willpower to get your questions answered live

  • Post-Event Beer Fest 5pm

    Seems to Karl that you've earned a cold one. Join him and your peers for a celebratory mug, on Karl

Past SMB Roadshow Raves

Great event! Everything you said makes so much sense and I count myself lucky for having attended. So much that you said really resonated with me not only on a business level but also a personal level. You really know your stuff!

Your 25 unbreakable rules really opened my eyes as to how we can better run our business. The price of admission is a tiny compared to the major improvements we are already rolling out. Thank you very much for what you do!

The show was helpful to organize my thoughts how to get my business moving again. Thanks for sharing your experience and giving the list of 25 items that show how all those pieces should be working together.

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at the 2021 SMB Roadshow. You won’t want to miss this!

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